Guanqin Zhang, Zhenya Zhang, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Shiping Chen, Jianjun Zhao, and Yulei Sui, “Efficient Incremental Verification of Neural Networks Guided by Counterexample Potentiality,” in Proc. ACM on Programming Languages, Vol. 9, No. OOPSLA1, Oct. 2025, Accepted.
Guanqin Zhang, Kota Fukuda, Zhenya Zhang, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Shiping Chen, Jianjun Zhao, and Yulei Sui, “Efficient Neural Network Verification via Order Leading Exploration of Branch-and-Bound Tree,” 2025 European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2025), June-July 2025, Accepted.
Richard Hobeck, Christopher Klinkmüller, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Wil Van der Aalst, and Ingo Weber, “Process Mining for Blockchain Analytics: Examining Blockchain Applications through a Process Lens,” in Handbook of Blockchain Analytics, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, eds., Accepted.
Arwa Najdi, Rukshan Athauda, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, and Suhuai Luo, “Technical Framework to Ensure Data Subject’s Rights in GDPR: A Conceptual Design,” Australasian Information Security Conf. (AISC 2025), Feb. 2025.
Sidra Malik, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Nick R.T.P. van Beest, and Xiwei Xu, “Smart Contracts’ Upgradability for Flexible Business Processes,” In Di Ciccio, C., et al. Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation, Central and Eastern European, Educators and Industry Forum (BPM 2024). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 527. Springer, Cham, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-70445-1_4. Best Paper Award.
Tiantong Wu, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Phee Lep Yeoh, and Kanchana Thilakarathna, “VHFL: A Coud-Edge Model Verification Technique for Hierarchical Federated Learning,” 3rd Workshop on Industrial Private 5G and Bond Wireless Networks (IPB5GBWN), IEEE Inte. Conf. on Communications (ICC ’24), June 2024, doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops59551.2024.10615330.
Christopher Klinkmueller, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Xiwei Xu, and Qinghua Lu, “Supply Chain Management Using Blockchain,” in Blockchains: A Handbook on Fundamentals, Platforms and Applications, Sushmita Ruj, Salil S. Kanhere, Mauro Conti, eds., pp. 365–397, Springer Int. Publishing, 2024, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32146-7_12
Tiantong Wu, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Phee Lep Yeoh, and Kanchana Thilakarathna, “FlexSplit: A Configurable, Privacy-Preserving Federated-Split Learning Framework,” WS-06: Workshop on Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond, IEEE Inte. Conf. on Communications (ICC ’23), May-June 2023. doi:10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283667
A.M. Hasitha Adikari, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Srikantha Herath, and Charith Chitraranjan, “An Automated Decision-Making Framework for Precipitation-Related Workflows,” in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Research (ICITR 2020), Dec. 2020, Sri Lanka, doi: 10.1109/ICITR51448.2020.9310870.
Xiwei Xu, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Qinghua Lu, Dawen Zhang, and Liming Zhu, “Understanding and Handling Blockchain Uncertainties,” in Proc. 2020 Int. Conf. on Blockchain (ICBC 2020), Aug. 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-59638-5_8.
H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Xiwei Xu, and Ingo Weber, “Patterns for Blockchain Data Migration,” European Conf. on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020 (EuroPLoP 2020), July 2020, Virtual Event, Germany. doi: 10.1145/3424771.3424796. Preprint.
P.D.I. Perera, S.P.T. Hettige, H.A.W. Abeygunawardhana, S.A.P. Jayatilake, and H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “Blockchain-Based Product Traceability Beyond Proof of Existence,” in Proc. 6th Moratuwa Engineering Research Conf. (MERCon 2020), Sri Lanka, July 2020.
Samudaya Nanayakkara, Srinath Perera, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, G. Thilini Weerasuriya, and Jason Ayoub, “Blockchain Technology and its Potential for the Construction Industry,” in Proc. 43rd Annual Australasian University Building Educators Association (AUBEA 2019) Conf., Noosa, Australia, Nov. 2019.
A.L. Samarakkody, U. Kulatunga, and H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “What Differentiate a Smart City? A Comparison with a Basic City,” in Proc. The 8th World Construction Symposium (WCS 2019), Sri Lanka, Nov. 2019, pp. 618 -627, DOI:
Thirasara Ariyarathna, Prabodha Harankahadeniya, Saarrah Isthikar, Nethmi Pathirana, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, and Arjuna Madanayake, “Dynamic Spectrum Access via Smart Contracts on Blockchain,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC ’19), Marrakech, Morocco, Apr. 2019. Presentations
Biman D. Hettiarachchi, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, and Nishal A. Samarasekera, “ Automated Multi-Plant Scheduling of Ready-Mixed Concrete Trucks,” in Proc. 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2018), Singapore, July/Aug. 2018. Presentation. Best Student Paper (Merit) Award.
Shashika R. Muramudalige and H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “Automated Driver Scheduling for Vehicle Delivery,” in Proc. Kováčiková T., Buzna Ľ., Pourhashem G., Lugano G., Cornet Y., Lugano N. (eds) Intelligent Transport Systems – From Research and Development to the Market Uptake (INTSYS 2017), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 222, pp. 215-225, Nov. 2017, Springer, Cham. Presentation
Thilina Piyadasun, Buwaneka Kalansuriya, Malaka Gangananda, Minudika Malshan, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, and Suresh Marru, “Rationalizing Police Patrol Beats Using Heuristic-Based Clustering,” in Proc. 3rd Moratuwa Engineering Research Conf. (MERCon 2017), Sri Lanka, May 2017.
R.S. Shariffdeen, D.T.S.P. Munasinghe, U.K.J.U. Bandara, H.S. Bhathiya, and H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “Adaptive Workload Prediction for Proactive Auto Scaling in PaaS Systems,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (CloudTech ’16), Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2016.
K.G.D.C. Kehelwala, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, R.A. Yasaratne, P. De Almeida, I.K.K.S. Ilesinghe, and P.D.K.E. Wickramasinghe, “Real-Time Grey Call Detection System Using Complex Event Processing,” in Proc. 22nd Annual Conf. of IET Sri Lanka Network, Sri Lanka, Sep. 2015 (ISSN 2345-9557).
H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, S.M.R.P. De Silva, and P.W.H.D. Weerasinghe, “The universal biometric system,” 6th Int. Information Technology Conf. (IITC 2004), Sri Lanka, Nov. 2004, ISBN: 955-8974-01-3. Presentation
M. Dantanarayana, S. Herath, and D. Bandara, “Personalizing a Low Cost Weather Forecasting System,” 4th Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (4GSRIDRR 2019), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2019.
M.R.M. Rilfi, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, and Surangika Ranathunga, “Product Attribute Extraction Based Real-Time C2C Matching of Microblogging Messages,” ERU Symposium 2018, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, May 2018. Won Best Poster Award. Poster
K.V. Jeeva Padmini, R.K.O.H Silva, H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, and G.I.U.S Perera, “R(P)Aban: A Software Process for Robotic Process Automation Projects,” ERU Symposium 2018, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, May 2018. Poster
S.R. Muramudalige and H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “Cloud-Based Vehicular Data Analytics Platform,” 1st Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies (ASSET 2016), 14th ACM Int. Conf. on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2016), Singapore, June 2016.
M.R.M. Rilfi and H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “Real-Time C2C Matching Based on Social Media Messages,” 1st Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies (ASSET 2016), 14th ACM Int. Conf. on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2016), Singapore, June 2016.
Dilum Bandara, Shiping Chen, Mark Staples, Sherry Xu, Qinghua Lu, Christopher Klinkmueller, Yilin Sai, Adnene Guabtni, Chen Wang, and Jeff Wang, “Ethereum Data from (Dec 2017 – Sep 2020) v1,” CSIRO Data Collection, DOI: 10.25919/acgt-mz13
Talks and Panels
“Preserving Commercial Sensitivity in Agricultural Supply Chains,” The 2025 Agricultural Traceability Workshop and Field Visit, Federation University, Mar 2025.
“Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Traceability,” ISO/TC 298 WG3 Traceability, Packaging, and Labelling for Rare Earths, South Korea, Oct 26, 2023.
“Launch Your NFT on Ethereum,” Block Unlock, Canberra, July 15 2023.
“Unleashing the Transformative Power of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management: Real-World Case Studies,” Panel Discussion, Block Unlock, Canberra, July 14, 2023.
File Sharing to Resource Sharing – Evolution of P2P Networking, presented by Anura P. Jayasumana at IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conf. Tutorials (CCNC ’12), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2012. Also at Int’l Conf. on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS ’12), May 2012.
“An application-aware overlay networks architecture,” Front Range Architecture Compilers Tools and Languages Workshop – Spring 2009 (FRACTAL 2009), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, Apr. 25, 2009.
H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, Y. Chen, and D. Tear, “Towards a secure network: defense vs. attack,” Term paper for CS680: Advanced Topics in Networking – Network Security, Spring 2007.
H.M.N. Dilum Bandara, “Industrial Training Report,” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2003.
“Migara Ratnatunga Trust Award” for excellent performance in the “Undergraduate Industrial Training Program,” Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL).